Wednesday, January 19, 2011

AF, old friend, old pal...

On Monday I got my period. It was the second postpartum af and the first normal one (ovulation - a twistingly painful one from both sides - then a 14-day luteal phase).

No cramping, no zits, no hormotional behaviour. I am wondering if that relatively pain- (but not mess-)free period coincides with my New Year's Resolution (capital R on purpose) to get back to a healthy diet and exercise. I have lost five pounds.

Most blood ever. Wowzers. But I feel fine.

Anyway, we did not have sex - so there was no even remotely miniscule chance of pregnancy - but I'm okay. That's the first time in a long time that I can say this and it feels good.

But ... with such a 'textbook' cycle (minus the fact that I don't know which CD I ovulated), it's a pity to waste it on infertility, no?

Anyway, moving right along...

Also, DH and I cleared up all our misunderstandings. He is a wonderful guy - I'm sorry for making him sound like a big ogre because really he's a big floppy teddy bear - but he's the first to admit that he hates housework - and is colossally lazy about it - and that that's where the problem begins. We're working on it. Thanks for the listening ear.


Ayanna said...

What was your first AF postpartum like? I just had mine a couple of days ago, and it was extremely light... I'm surprised because I thought it would be heavy...

one-hit_wonder said...

Hi Ayanna! My first pp af was weird. Ovulation hurt like an SOB from both sides. Then I got af 7 days later and felt nothing. Bled lightly for a day or 2 and that was it. Weird. I'm glad you have a light one, too!